You can do this…and today is the day!

I am sharing this as an encouragement for someone who may be “thinking about it” and afraid to take the plunge for some reason.

I didn’t even begin this journey until after I was retired! For me (us…hubby and me) it was not only a physical journey, but a spiritual one as well, because we truly believe God led us to the information we needed to make wise choices about these bodies of ours that HE gave us! Once we said “yes,” we have never looked back. Not only has our weight changed, but SO MANY health issues we both had as a result of following wrong advice, have completely disappeared.

So, if you are thinking about it…

It’s not too late.

You’re not too old. (we both lament we didn’t know about this when we were YOUNG!)

It’s not too hard.

You’re NOT too “weak!”

Put your first foot on that path and just keep going…one step at a time! ASK GOD TO HELP YOU AND HE WILL! The weight part (55 lbs for me) took me less than a year to reach that goal, but the health issues just keep right on improving!

Oh, and after receiving questions about “how much does it cost?” the answer is ZERO. If you need to pay someone else so you can lose weight, well…you do you. But it is absolutely not necessary…just change what you put on your plate and in your mouth. No membership fees. No pre-made meals. No special pills or potions. Just real, whole, healthy foods. Period.

Photos: Me (left) at retirement January, 2018, and Me (right) “modeling” Oct. 28, 2019, as a 32-year breast cancer “survivor” (healed by Jesus) at the “Strut Your Style Fashion Show.” We only had to put to use the wisdom and knowledge to which God led us.
